ANGLE: colleague goes from photoshop newbie to rockstar
SUBJ: my computer illiterate friend… made THIS logo!?
SUBJ: And here I thought I was good at computers
SUBJ: technically challenged ding-bat learned Photoshop (in 1 day)
SUBJ: how did he learn Photoshop — and can barely open it? —
SUBJ: my tech-challenged friend just 1-upped me.. on PHOTOSHOP!?
SUBJ: wow, is learning photoshop THAT easy!?
SUBJ: the wannabe-designer’s wet-dream
Hey gang!
A colleague of mine has been adamant about Photoshop over the past couple of days.
The thing is, he’s totally not the type of person you’d expect to know Photoshop.
He couldn’t tell you how to “unzip” a file (and probably still uses internet explorer… **bleck**! ;-).
Heck, I had to show him how to check his email not too long ago.
However, the weird thing is he showed me logos he made.
I thought he was pulling my leg at first…
NO WAY could he do that! I don’t care who you are.
But he turned out to be serious…
He accidentally stumbled on this Photoshop training. His exact words were:
“this guy really talks clearly and to the point, there’s no way you couldn’t understand.”
Now my technically challenged friend is more proficient than I am at graphic design!
Yeah, I’m going to jump in (there’s no WAY he’s getting away with that — LOL!)
I just thought I’d fill you guys in on this, if anyone is interested in designing their own stuff:
Even though I haven’t quite accessed it yet, I will bet my life that works…
just because of what my buddy is doing.
The kicker?
It just opened recently… so he came that far in literally no time at all.
http://nanacast.com/vp/118469/XXXXX <==== I know you'll love this one. -YOURNAME p.s. I guess they are offering some pretty sweet bonuses to compliment the training. Bonuses like how to set up multiple revenue streams from your art. I can't doubt that since my designer charges me an arm and a leg.... But maybe not for long! 😉 Check the vid here (it's free... and awesome): http://nanacast.com/vp/118469/XXXXX
p.p.s. I haven’t actually gone through this, but I always love skill-based businesses.
You really don’t have to sell a thing (your ability sells itself).
So if you’re a little like me and really hate being salesy,
this could be a good match. Odesk, freelancer, Guru.com… work for yourself! 🙂